This is a link to a copy of the (somewhat redacted) *.pdf document of the FISA memo that some people have been getting excited about. Just in case they are right that it will be removed from the internet very soon, a copy is at the link. Whispering Bluegrass suspects that since it's been released, in redacted form, it will not actually be removed from the internet, but there's no harm in having another copy.
Here is a link to download the Common Purpose membership list as an Excel File: CPmasterDB.xls NB: it is best to "download all" which takes a few moments to turn the .xls file in a zipfile; many browsers will give errors if you try to download a .xls file from so far in the past! KEEP the zipfile even when you have EXTRACTed the .xls file to where you want it, as it's all too easy to "edit" the original and accidentally save a corrupted copy. It opens okay with an up to date Open Office suite; I cannot vouch for newer Microsoft products, even though this was clearly prepared on Microsoft Office (2000?), as Bill Gates habitually punishes people who fail to transition all their historical files to his bright-new formats! Once you've opened it, you need to NOT type anything in, but use the bar at the bottom (scroll arrows to your left) to find and select which "output" you want. It will probably default to showing you the "leeds_output" but...